What you need to know about 5D Consciousness that will change your 3D now

Updated Sep 2024

A proper definition of the 5th Dimension and how it is related to your spiritual, self-actualization and healing journey (your potential)

You’ve probably heard already that humanity is shifting into the 5th dimension (well, not all of humanity of course… yet!). We never lose hope for those who look like humans but their actions are not really humane. You will read about the definition of 5D, how to keep making progress in a non-linear transformative process, and the way to claim your 5D. 

In this article you will learn:

  • A couple of different definition for what 5D (from referenced authors) so you can understand better this concept;

  • Why not everyone is interested or is taking action to anchor more into their 5th dimension;

  • How learning how to access 5D on a regular basis can bring astonishing changes to how you are experiencing Life (including: Relationships, Health and Wealth);

  • What’s in it for the Lightworkers and discerning if you are one;

  • Why you can experience oscillation between sometimes when you feel totally blissful about your Life and you love everything in it, and some other times when everything seems like a struggle (as that is more familiar to your Mental & Emotional Bodies still). 

A couple of words about myself

You may (or may not yet) be subscribed to my periodical New Earth Leadership Publication. You may know me as a Coach & Quantum Energy Healer passionate about helping other people going from struggle to Thriving, especially the Highly Sensitive ones who have a story of feeling unsafe in their Bodies, Environment and Relationshisps. I am a Lightworker and Social Entrepreneur at heart (in fact I hold a Master degree in Social Entrepreneurship). A invest a substantial part of my profits in the development of The Human-Nature Preservation Fund. 

Back to the useful info for you. 👇🏼 ☀️


Understanding what 5D is 

The 5th Dimension of Consciousness is a concept that many label as a “new age” concept. The same people label every piece of information that has to do with creating more awareness of your energetic and creative potential as “not reliable as not based on any scientific statement or secular religious tradition” (depending whether you talk with the science-minded or religious-minded people). 

If you have arrived at this article looking for a self-standing, well prepared, all-rounded definition of 5D so you can finally understand what it is (and possibly then keep on disregarding it as a dangerous new age thing), I’m sorry but you’re in the wrong place. 

If, on the other side, you’re genuinely curious in understanding more about your current human experience and you’re open to receive new insights and concepts that will stimulate your Mind to expand and outgrow past self-limiting structures, you’re more than welcome to stay!


Possibly this article will leave you with some important cues on your journey as a New Earth Leader.

You can find many definitions of what 5D is online, but here is one that I found in a book that I find to be a reliable source. The book is “Theta Healing - New Edition” by Vianna Stibal. 

She talks about the 5th Dimension as the 5th Plane of Existence in the framework of a system that organizes all existence in 7 Planes of Existence. 

1° Popular 5D Definition

(This text was freely translated into English as I own the Italian version of the book).

“Atoms on the Fifth Plane of Existence move faster than on the Fourth. This plane is divided into degrees; if we were to count them, there would be hundreds. It is also the plane of extreme dualism. The lower degrees of this plane are where negative entities reside. The higher degrees are where the Council of Twelve reside.

The Council of Twelve consists of enlightened masters who have evolved beyond the Fourth and Third Planes. They gather in conferences and use their knowledge to help create new worlds. These masters are born into this reality to change the energies of the Third Plane of Existence. Although such enlightened beings reside on this plane, the lowest levels are where the ego resides. The Fifth Plane can give you an exaggerated sense of self and make you believe that you must always prove yourself right. You may receive false information that leads you to believe that you are the only one with a special power, the only one who holds the key to accessing a piece of knowledge and bringing it back to Earth.”

Extract from Stibal, Vianna. Theta Healing - New Edition (p. 235-237).

2° Popular 5D Definition

In another quiet popular book written by Maureen J. St. Germain, called “Beyond the Flower of Life” we find a much more synthetic definition of 5D in its glossary.

Fifth Dimension: “A category of vibration without polarity. It is the equivalent of what recent religions call heavenly”. 

Maybe now you have a better idea of what 5D is, even though to have a truly better idea of what 5D is you should have an overview upon all 7 planes of existence. I can recommend reading the first book quoted above, even if you are not interested in Theta Healing, or even more if you are a healer and work within the energetic realms. 

There is a chapter in the book called “The 7 planes of existence” that will give you a much better context in understanding the characteristics of each plane (or dimension) of existence and what are the differences between them. Also, the book starts with the narration of some remarkable and miraculous things that happened in Vianna’s Life that are good reminders of the level of Expansion of Consciousness we can all aspire to. 

Reading in-between the lines of this definition of the 5th Plane of Existence, we can see why there is so much that is said online about this dimension and so much conflicting information as well: it is so vast and it entails in it the existence of so many “degrees” or “tones”, including heavenly and more “negative” entities or thought-forms. 

What I truly love about this definition is that it explains why you can find so many “gurus” online talking so fondly about the 5D and creating offers (to sell you!) to “transport” you there. The most common word you will hear for this process is “Ascension”. 

Only because someone is referring to “5D” somewhere in their communication, article, video or post doesn’t necessarily mean they have “ascended” there and that their teachings are anchored in pure Light and service to the Earth. Read again Vianna’s definition that says the 5th dimension can have a shadow side and individuals might find themselves to be extremely self-focused. 

This results in pumping up their ego and acting as if s/he was the only one knowing the keys to Salvation on Earth (and - again - you should pay to have it). Beware of what you find online (or in in-person settings for that matter). Always trust your Highest Intuition, and not your fear of missing out on something or the ego funny game of being “anxious” about your spiritual evolution, like if it was a race you gotta win. 

Embodying upgrades in your Consciousness Frequency requires dedication, honesty and humbleness. It is not a comparison game and there is no guru that can teach you better than yourself (I mean your Higher Self or direct Spiritual Guidance). 

I know there are no moral regulations about what can actually be sold and not sold in our current economic system, but I think the evolution of Consciousness is not something you can sell. Teachers can provide services in the form of 1:1 guidance, books, tools or practices, but ultimately it is a process of awareness that each individual has to go through, in her own time and in his own way. 

I’m sharing here with you some deep knowledge in this article that you can access freely because I believe spiritual evolution is a human birth-right, not a trendy commercial industry. 

In the next paragraph, let’s see how you can make progress in your experience of connecting to 5D to help reshape your experience in the third dimension (physical health, money, housing, jobs, relationships, etc.) 

How to keep making progress in a non-linear transformative process 

The internet sells you this idea: you have to go from 3D to 5D if you want to be part of the “new evolution” or “the chosen ones” that will create a New Earth. 

Is it true? What does it actually mean? 

As said in the definition above, in the 5th dimension there are spiritual entities that “gather in conferences and use their knowledge to help create new worlds”. That spiritual entity can also be attached to your Body, it can be a part of your Spiritual Body. That’s what we refer to when we talk about “Lightworkers”: people who can feel a higher calling towards injecting more Love, Light and Highest Truth in the world, from the higher planes to the mundane. 

We can righteously say that a new world based on more Justice, Joy and Love can hardly be created from 3D only so we need to “ascend” to another dimension in order to “download” the ideas, strategies, actions and creative processes that will be then embodied in a third-dimensionality. 

Following one of the fundamental universal Laws of Consciousness (all vibrates in oneness), when you focus your time, effort and energy on improving yourself, in behaviors, thoughts and accomplishments or self-expression, and your Life circumstances (like job, family, home, wealth, etc.), you are simultaneously improving the world at large, without necessarily the need of becoming the next millionaire or making something “that will be remembered” (even though those are still possibilities available to everyone, if that what sparks your Passion). 

By creating better circumstances in your Life (a direct consequence of how you feel on the inside), you will participate in the collective evolutionary process of creating a more beautiful, harmonious and kind world. 

When you focus on your personal progress, creating integrity, healing, authenticity and aligned success in all areas of your Life, you’ll become masterful in the creation process that stems from your Pure Essence (connected with 5D) instead of from your lower-level, conditioned Mind.

That lower conditioning goes like: “I should have this…, I should do that…, I should be more like … to be happy and fulfilled..”, whereas your Higher Heart inspiration coming from your Pure Essence goes like: “I’m going to do this because I love doing this SO MUCH. There’s no logical reason, but my intuition tells me I’m on Purpose doing this”. 

This is not a linear process

From what I can directly observe in my Life and in the experience of my clients, the steps to embody more of the 5D into your 3D are a number of Quantum Leaps that will happen without a particular time-frame or order. 

In-between the quantum leaps you may be feeling you are experiencing “regression”, or coming back from old patterns or circumstances of lack, hardship or suffering that you thought were gone.

We are used to thinking that every learning process is linear. 

The concept that growth is linear is so ingrained in us for what we see happening around us: children grow from small to teens to adults in a linear way; we witness our parents aging more or less in a linear way; every school and educational program is structured in a linear way, starting from the basics and growing in complexity over time; most career advancements in the corporate world happen in a linear way, and so forth. 

We expect our lives, therefore, to develop in a linear way. If you are seeking to create a better Life for yourself, following your Dreams and living out your Passions on a daily basis, while being in service to Humanity, you are likely to have embarked on a spiritual / growing awareness path. 

Know that this is NOT linear. 

Your mind expects it to be linear, like any other growth process it observes in the external reality. 

You can expect your energetic body (that is to say your Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious and SuperConscious Mind) to be in a constant flux, so it can keep going back and forth through different dimensions of existence. 

This is what it means to be a “multi-dimensional being” (we all are in our potential and the highly sensitive ones are a lot more aware about it, because they feel it or sense it - even when it doesn't make sense to their logical minds 🙂). 

When we talk about reaching 5D Consciousness we are not talking about a particular physical place or even a definite “inner state” that you should go to and will never change. We are rather referring to understanding how to open the access doors to more spiritual accuracy while in the flux and tapping with more ease into your creative / Heart-manifestation innate ability, which connects to your unique Life Expression, Life Path and Purpose.

Claiming your individual connection to 5D

I want to make a clear point here: the 7 Dimensions of Existence is a model that attempts to describe the invisible world (the energetic subatomic particles we are all made of). Also, there are many other models that different acclaimed spiritual authors use. For example, the author quoted for the second definition of the 5th Dimension earlier in this article, refers to a model of 11th or more Planes of Existence. 

Similarly to chakras, which some popular knowledge reference systems describe as 7, others point out to 12 of them, others to 25, and others to hundreds of micro-chakras all over the Body, there is no one system that has it completely wrong or completely right. 

All of them are an attempt to make sense with our logical minds of a world that can’t be made sense of: the mystery of the less dense dimension(s), that we can perceive, sense, move through (and that definitely have a big interrelation with our denser, everyday reality) but we cannot touch them or make sense of them within the 3rd dimensionality standards. 

It blows people’s minds to think that we are made of Space. 

We are all made of Energy, as basically Energy is all there is. 

If you are having a hard time to believe that energy is real, and you believe is “nothing”, then we are made of nothing

This is what quantum physics studies in their labs: they realize matter is nothing other than denser particles held together (I would say close, not together, to be more precise) by an energetic field (hello Quantum Field!). 

And this field - of energy - has some program in it that informs the micro-particles of what they should do.. How they are supposed to manifest in the 3D, hence becoming a tree, a car, a phone, a piece of art or … a human. 

Or a thought of a Human. 

There is a tendency to believe that you have to “live in the 5D” in order to have everything you want in Life fast and manifest like a pro

To some extent this is true, but also I’d like to remind you that there is nowhere you should go to. 

Our Consciousness exists in ALL dimensions at ALL time. 

So actually if you want to access more of your 5D evolutionary state, you may just start by becoming more “aware” of it.

That’s why 100% of the spiritual practices are based on this one principle: the principle of observation (you can call it awareness, or mindfulness). 

When you find your spiritual tools, the ones that work effortlessly for you to cultivate a state of Presence in your Heart, without desiring to be anywhere else, doing something else, being a different person than who you are, that’s when you are opening the doors to a heightened dimension of Being, from which a new version of you is coming through because actually it’s all meant to evolve, ALL the time (🤯).

In the 5D, the concept of Time simply does not exist as all is now. This transcends the Law of Attraction and brings us to caress the Law of Creation. When we start to embody the Law of Creation genuinely through our healed Hearts, we will be surprised to see how much agency we can have in our existence and how we are supposed to live the Dreams we are literally dying for

Cultivating more and more time in the awareness of your Heart & Pure Essence space, instead of your 3D mind will ascend you to this higher plane.  

Read this story about a person that is feeling she’s claiming more of her 5D connection

“I manifest things more and more easily so I feel like that is a sign I am moving closer [to 5D]. I have always been less rocked by life than others because of a very strong connection to Source. My emotions are mostly positive lately and I am more often than not quietly joyful despite seeing clearly that the world is headed in a very bad direction. I still have work to do though. I still get angry sometimes and I am not completely in service to others. I am hoping I can transition more fully soon and start manifesting things for society at large and not just for my small circle of people I know.”

In her words, there is a tendency to still think that 5D is some “magic state” she should move into. What is giving her the impression to be closer to 5D (which again reminds us of a place we should go to, whereas it is always accessible inside of us at any moment) is that she’s mastering her Life better. 

She feels that she can manage her emotions better and create a more coherent field around her Heart - that will magnetically attract / manifest things, people and situations for her Highest Good or fulfill her Purpose. 

More humans are awakening their remembrance of the fifth dimension and, by applying the right spiritual, emotional and mental tools or practices, there is no need to go through lengthy healing and emotional wounds healing processes any more. (If you are not sure what the right spiritual tools are for you and you’re looking for tailored Guidance on it, I can help with that). 

The Light-leaders are the ones who are called to walk this inner path of Mastery, not only for themselves, but for the Planet. 

So your Inner Mastery will co-create a New Earth. 

You can learn more about how this process works and why you are called to do it in the Masterclass that will be published soon on this website “How your individual existence has a huge impact on changing the World” (subscribe to my heart-letter to be the first to know about it).

If you are on this journey of being a Change-maker & Light-leader (you’ve read this article until here, so I suppose you are!), a deep inner timeless knowing is calling you now to connect to heightened dimensions of Consciousness (and personal/emotional wellbeing!) so that your very existence can be a channel / vessel to bring more Light / Love / Respect / Equity to this Planet. 

When Lightworkers are at the best of their expression, their Heart is emitting more peaceful and grounded frequencies that are rippling on Light to the people around them

In Keys of AbunDance, 
- Sara Francesca

DO you feel ready to end your struggle and to find the resources inside of you that will connect you more to your 5D? To heal & expand however you feel like your 3D reality, go have a look at my existing Programs on this website by clicking on the Menu. May the Blessing of Knowing always Enlighten your Existence. 

I’m Sara Francesca and I wrote this article with love & care to help fellow Highly Sensitive Beings find Peace, Prosperity & Purpose, while living connected to their Mission on Planet Earth. I am a Social Entrepreneur and all of my courses and programs contribute to grow a non-lucrative initiative called The Human-Nature Preservation Fund.

Total Time for creating this article : 7.5h.


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