Highest Potential Reminder 


May this Energetic Activation serve you well

How these words can serve you

Words hold frequencies.

Frequencies hold consciousness updates and emotions.

If you are in a place where you can talk out loud, feel free to give voice to the written text.

Take a couple of deep breathes, relax and soak up the wisdom of this piece by listening to your beautiful voice reading it.

Each Activation comes from Higher Guidance.

This Energy Activation is intended for all Light-Souls dreaming about co-creating a better world through their Intentional Life & Work.

Keywords of Energy Activation #16

• Highest potential

• Embodiment

• Soulpath

• Lightworker

• Turning Points

* energetic activation start *

Highest Potential Reminder 

You came here to shine like a small drop-ball of light 

Swirling around like sand to the dunes 

You’ve started a Treasure Hunt to see


You could become 

Digging one layer deeper 

Every time you found yourself 

To face 


You had a glimpse of what riding on expansive 

Wings feels like 

Your inner dragon whispered it to you 

Your final party is not there yet 

And it won’t be there until your glory is set. 

Little has it to do with mundane achievements 

Modern society symbols won’t make the cut.

Your Highest Potential is You becoming

In every moment, it is you,


It is You wanting to become IT. 

It is Your Research and it will never cease. 

It becomes apparent your work is needed. 

You taking the big leaps into the unknown

You wanting to know what awaits for you in Consciousness. 

You craving more of You

And less of You

at the same time.

You knowing that your Highest Potential 

Is nothing but what you are already

It’s like an ever ending energy thread 

That has no end and no beginning. 

You keep following the thread 

(By creating the Life you Desire

based on your Heart & Soul expressions)

Under the illusion of finally getting 

To a turning point. 

Only once you’re there 

Thirsty and tired from the journey, sometimes lonely, 

Sometimes  in good company,

You’ll find out that each turning point

Is but a door opening into a new dimension. 

Calling in more journeying

More treasure hunting

More Trust and Surrender 

To the Awareness and Power 

You came here to embody. 

Knowing you are the coffee and the bean

The seed AND the leaf, the flower AND the bee

The conscious creator and the life experiencer 

The adventurer, the risk taker and the blessed voyager,

You are all of it. 

How could you ever loose the grip 

On following the bread crumbs of allowance

For your Highest Potential to fulfil 


* energetic activation end *


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