May this Energetic Activation serve you well

How these words can serve you

Words hold frequencies.

Frequencies hold consciousness updates and emotions.

If you are in a place where you can talk out loud, feel free to give voice to the written text.

Take a couple of deep breathes, relax and soak up the wisdom of this piece by listening to your beautiful voice reading it.

Each Activation comes from Higher Guidance.

This Energy Activation is intended for all Light-Souls dreaming about making a better world through their Work.

Keywords of Energy Activation #15

• Sensitive Soul

• Empowerment

• Heart-centered leadership

• Highly sensitives

• Mission

* energetic activation start *


I am the one 

Perceiving the purpose 

I am of Joy 

I am one of Creation. 

I am a wonderful homo luminous 

Busy with fulfilling my Soul-job destiny 

as something that opens up in my Life. 

It course-corrects my trajectory 

Actions and thoughts change their weight. 

It is us, the sensitive ones, 

Who know what is Gold, 

In this New Earth dimension. 

The gentle ones should inherit the Earth.

I know how to dig for the Gold

I’ll find it everywhere within me, 

When I allow my Mind & Soul 

To break free from boring encapsulations. 

This frequency I choose is the one from the Heart, 

500 and up,

The Heart is my first co-creator supplier, 

The hand to Intelligent’s Higher Consciousness mind. 

I will listen to my Heart desires 

‘Cause I am here to embody my potency 

I am here to represent a much greater Power 

Than people ever thought sensitive ones could have.

In becoming my “best self” version, 

I’ll become my “best friend” version first 

‘Cause there’s nowhere I can go to 

Without a steady, compassionate self-love.

It is in forgiving the limiting voices inside my head 

That I will arise to give my contribution 

In the greater scheme of things. 

There is a greater sense of Harmony governing all that is happening

I can’t refrain from It to governing my Life.

Harmony IS my Life.


I won’t fall into the illusion that I am weak and subdued, 

Only because when people call me “sensitive”

There is a subtle implication that this is a “shortcoming”, a “deficiency”, 

Some even call it a “neuro-diversity”. 

This is not true anymore, we are more, and more, and more, and more!

We are a growing legion of intuitively attuned 

Sons & daughters 

Independently driven to self-fufil their Bright Destiny

Which is in service to the Earth and Greater Awareness. 


I am on-board for trusting in myself 

Enough so that I can stop believing I am great 

I will trust in myself that much 

That I will stop believing in what my ego wants me to do.

For WE are great, 


Not just me, 

Not just you. 

WE are altogether 

In service to our Life 

And to the future generations to come. 

We have been molded

With the instructions of how to bring 

harmony and a coherent balance 

among all that is in material form right now. 

Freedom, Bliss, Love. 

Keep ‘em coming. 

When I allow the Higher Power of Love to drop upon me, 

I become Teacher & Pupil at the same time. 

I am my own Guide 

Learning to see myself through the Self-actualization of others. 

May we keep flying above the surface line 

The disturbances, turbulences and interferences. 

I will keep arising 

And flying up, up, 

Up up up 

And keep going straight, straight, straight.

Following the infinite wave of Love in Motion.

This is the Life I am creating. 

This is the soul trajectory of a gentle one. 


* energetic activation end *


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