The Meaning of Money in a Heart-Based Paradigm

The Meaning of Money in a Heart-Based Paradigm

May this Energetic Activation serve you well

How these words can serve you

Words hold frequencies.

Frequencies hold consciousness updates and emotions.

If you are in a place where you can talk out loud, feel free to give voice to the written text.

Take a couple of deep breathes, relax and soak up the wisdom of this piece by listening to your beautiful voice reading it.

Each Activation comes from Higher Guidance.

Keywords of Energy Activation #12

• money

• wealth

• paradise on Earth

• self-worth

• soulpreneur

• regenerative

* energetic activation start *

Breaking habits around spending

Sitting cross-legged on the the Earth. 

Watching Paradise go crumbling

Finding a new one behind the Doors. 

Sitting closely to the streamline

Fueling nomadic and devotion

Clearly releasing with Curiosity. 

The meaning of Money in a worth-rich, 

Value-intense, galactically-ascending Universe. 

We have collectively believed that our innate value 

Was corresponding to some gold-metal weight. 

Coins do not discern Beautiful from Average.  

Coins are way too limited to be symbolic 

Representation of our multidimensional creative Life. 

It’s not mean to represent your value. 

The more you learn to truly value yourself, the more you step away from a societal framework where the only “value” is Money. 

“Some people are so poor that the only thing they possess is money”. 

Money is not demon 

While Charity is not angelic. 

There is nothing sexy or of trustful abundance 

In begging offers for survival. 

AbunDance is pointless when not put to fruition. 

There is a natural universal law stating: “nothing is waste”. 

Nothing in Nature lacks fruition. 

The Earth Consciousness law is: “waste nothing, regenerate instead”.

And Be Beautiful. 

Your Value is impenetrable. 

Your Worth is incommensurable. 

Your Presence is. 

It is by releasing our need of having

that we activate our Genius. 

We become our Genius Creativity that wants to be expressed through us. 

And around us. 

Generosity alchemizes our Heart. 

It trans-figures your value in the snap of a finger. 


What are the figures of your Financials? 

In a Heart-Based paradigm, those figures are saying nothing about you. 


They can’t really have a say on your value, or your worth. 

‘Cause that worth is the worth of everybody else. 

There is just Worth. 

Equally, for all there is. 

Close your eyes, 

Open your fingers wide and imagine streams of money passing though the quantum space in-between your hands. 

With open Arms, open Heart. 

Now you see yourself wrapped in Gold & Diamonds. 

You don’t possess them, but you have them. 

Anything you possess can be taken from you. 

But those diamonds and gold… 

You have them because you are them. 

How infinite could be your money-absent worth? 

This is what you are playing with when you are seeking fulfilment. 

Make it your responsibility to claim Soul-Fulfilment for your Life. 

Claim your ultimate Freedom, 

As a Soul-preneur and as a Human Being, 

By claiming your money-UNbased Value.



* energetic activation end *


Looking for more Guidance?


Stop complaining (Letter to your Confused Mind)


Unprocessed Emotions to Uncover Wisdom