The invisibile streamlines of your (W)health

The invisibile streamlines of your (W)health Energetic Activation

May this Energy Activation serve you well

How these words can serve you

Words hold frequencies.

Frequencies hold consciousness updates and emotions.

If you are in a place where you can talk out loud, feel free to give voice to the written text.

Take a couple of deep breathes, relax and soak up the wisdom of this piece by listening to your beautiful voice reading it.

Each Activation comes from Higher Guidance.

Keywords of Energy Activation #10

abundance mindset

• holistic health

• self-love

• life flow

• gratitude & joy

• feeling

* energy activation start*

Making peace with your loving Body is how far - and how little - you can go to embrace yourself. 

Self-awareness is how you increase your level of empowerment. 

Power is often related to money, but empowerment to AbunDance. 

It is in the midst of your awaken dream that your Life will flourish like a jeweled mermaid on a sunny rock.

May the days of threats and perceived disembodiment be over in favour of your greatest (w)health alignment. 

It is by first walking that you have learnt to run.

Do not forget how the process of the endless expansion into AbunDance will require you some definite steps to go forward in this earthly discovery journey. 

Did you feel you were missing something when you were growing up? Where is it showing up in the Body, now?

Even when the lights seem to have been turned off, your trillions of cells cellular party is still goes on.

You are constantly moving Energy. You Are constantly swirling and turning and sparkling and booming at an infinite subtle, minuscule level all of your shaking consciousness. 

Let your Joy go first.

Let your Gratitude be the leader.

Let your Awareness of self-actualisation manifest for you what is already in front of your eyes - can you see it yet? 

Let your Body be healing - which is no other than transforming and re-adjusting your trans-form, the physical form which is in-between two words. 

Health has become a commodity, an industry sector, a column of budget sheets and the promise of ads campaigns.

What are you looking for? 

How would you define health if that can mean totally different things to very different people, societies, ages and cultures? 

Being a-live and owning your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

It is (w)Health.

Anything should that mean to you.

Own who you are.

In this moment. 

Own your weight, own your wrinkles. 

Own your beautiful legs,

own your premature white hair.

Own your annoyances and all of body’s ‘weird’ symptoms and puzzling behaviors. 

Own that you are a-live, because you

are consciously breathing,





You are consciously choosing to be the best possible expression of Life itself, by occupying a unique shape and form and interlacing all of your worries and undeniable greatness. 

Own that you need -and want- to take care of yourself, like you have done before, but this time around you go deeper.

Lengthy are the minutes you stare at yourself directly in the eyes at the mirror. 

How long has it passed without you doing that?

Can you create a wave of Love for your whole being?

The chemistry of our neurotransmitters is no way smarter than your authentic feelings.

A feeling can start-off change.

A sincere and embodied feeling can change everything. 

For this time around, fear of not being enough won’t be in the front rows of your Mind. 

Neither will the self-judgment pattern of being not worthy enough, not healthy enough, not wealthy enough. 

Interact with your Body as if it was an oracle sage.

(because it is).

All the answers you are seeking are kept coded until you find the right path, right healer, right moment, right prayer to make your whole worldview take off and land, recoded. 

You then re-embody the (absence of) space you originated from.

Isn’t that the greatest of wealths to own your bodily space-frame and let it guide you towards the rediscovery of Love?

To not be attached to any desires other than embracing your whole Self,





Capable of giving. Capable of receiving. 

Capable of standing idle. 

You have released all of the fears that were impeding you to find healing.

A new path will soon unfold before your eyes. 

Amazed, you will see it.

And finally, walk on it. 

Understanding how Wealthy you are, right in the Energy of the Heart.

* energy activation end*


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